A wrapper around tklib’s plotchart library to work with LTk / nodgui.

The following summaries and examples should help in getting started with using plotchart through LTk / nodgui. Note that the library and options are complex, and not everything has been tested. However, all functions provided by ltk-plotchart are documented in the API documentation and linked to here under their corresponding chart type(s).

For more information on using plotchart see:

  • the plotchart documentation, which, although out of date in places, should be read in parallel with these notes;

  • the included examples, many of which translate the tcl examples;

  • the tklib/plotchart source.

Some options in plotchart are not currently available in ltk-plotchart.

1. Install and Test

To install TCL/Tk and tklib

The Tcl/Tk environment and the tklib extension library must be installed.

on Linux/Mac OS X

The tk wish program is often already installed, but otherwise both tk and tklib can be obtained using your usual package manager.

example For example, in Ubuntu:

> sudo apt install tk
> sudo apt install tklib
on Windows 10 64 bit
  1. Download and install Active Tcl (you will be asked to create an account before downloading it).

  2. Download and unzip tklib-0.7.zip. Double-click "installer.tcl" to install the library.

To install ltk-plotchart

Make sure you have either LTk or nodgui installed.

To install ltk-plotchart, download the latest version and make the code available to the asdf system.

The API documentation is best built using baruch.

To test the internal functions (LTk only):

* (asdf:test-system :ltk-plotchart)

2. Basic Concepts

2.1. Using the library

2.1.1. With LTk

To use this library, you must require or asdf:load-system "ltk-plotchart". LTk is included in "ltk-plotchart", so does not need separate attention. The system provides the package "ltk-plotchart" with nickname "chart" - I use the nickname in this documentation and examples.

The following examples can be run by copying them into the template:

(require 'asdf)            ; 1
(require 'ltk-plotchart)
(use-package :ltk)

(with-ltk ()
1 Depending on your lisp implementation - for CLISP, these must be strings.

2.1.2. With Nodgui

To use this library, you must require or asdf:load-system "ltk-plotchart/nodgui". "nodgui" is included in "ltk-plotchart/nodgui", so does not need separate attention. The system provides the package "nodgui-plotchart" with nickname "chart" - I use the nickname in this documentation and examples.

The following examples can be run by copying them into the template:

(require 'asdf)            ; 1
(require 'ltk-plotchart/nodgui)
(use-package :nodgui)

(with-nodgui ()
1 Depending on your lisp implementation - for CLISP, these must be strings.
Warning Ensure any floats are single floats - a fix is in nodgui repository to support double floats.

2.1.3. Examples

To run an example, cd to the appropriate folder within "ltk-plotchart/examples":

> sbcl --script plotdemos1.lisp

Examples tested on Linux using sbcl version 2.1.3, ltk version 0.992 and nodgui version 0.1.1 (via quicklisp) with tklib version 0.7.

2.2. Structure of library

Every chart is represented by a class, so for bar charts there is a bar-chart class. An instance of the class can be constructed either directly, using keyword arguments for the various parameters, or using a create-CHART function; this is similar to the createCHART functions in the Tk documentation.

Names mostly echo those of the original library, to make using the original documentation easier, although some have been changed to "bring together" similar types, and try to make the calling code more readable. For example, remove-from-legend has been renamed to legend-remove, and the various circle, rectangle etc drawing methods are now renamed draw-circle, draw-rectangle etc.

2.3. Passing values to options

Most Lisp types will be converted appropriately to the required tk format.

For some options tk expects a string, but from Lisp you can use a string-like object. For example, the method chart:title-text sets the title to a given string value with an optional position. The title should be a string, and will be passed to tk as a string (in double-quotes, preserving case, etc).

The position value, as described in the tk documentation, must be one of "center", "left" or "right". In Lisp, we can pass in either a string, keyword or symbol: the value is converted to a lower-case string before passing it to tk.

So the following will set three titles, at different positions:

(chart:title-text chart "left-side" :left)
(chart:title-text chart "right-side" 'right)
(chart:title-text chart "centered" "CENTER")
Tip There is some error handling performed on the Lisp side, e.g. that the position value above is valid, or to check that an axis definition is correct, but in most cases values are converted and passed directly to Tk, which may report its own errors.

3. Plotchart

The parent class of all charts.

Class: plotchart


  • canvas - required parent canvas, within which to draw the plot

This class is private: you must pass the required canvas when creating an instance of a chart but otherwise will not directly use the class.

example An example of creating a pie-chart, showing use of the required canvas keyword:

(let* ((c (make-instance 'canvas                          ; 1
                         :width 400 :height 400 :background :white))
       (pc (make-instance 'chart:pie-chart :canvas c))    ; 2

  (pack c)
1 The canvas to hold the chart is created.
2 The chart is given a reference to the canvas on construction.

Functions (applicable to almost all charts):

next background (chart part colour-or-image &optional direction brightness)

next balloon (chart x y text direction)

next balloon-config (chart &key font justify textcolour textcolor background outline margin rimwidth arrowsize)

next draw-x-band (chart ymin ymax)

next draw-y-band (chart xmin xmax)

next legend (chart series text &optional spacing)

next legend-config (chart &key background border canvas font legend-type position spacing)

next legend-remove (chart series)

next plaintext (chart x y text &optional direction)

next plaintext-config (chart &key font justify textcolour textcolor)

next save-plot (chart filename &key plotregion)

next subtitle (chart title)

next title-text (chart title &optional position)

next v-subtext (chart text)

next v-text (chart text)

next x-config (chart &key format tick-length tick-lines minor-ticks label-offset scale)

next x-subtext (chart text)

next x-text (chart text)

next x-ticklines (chart &optional colour dash)

next y-config (chart &key format tick-length tick-lines minor-ticks label-offset scale)

next y-subtext (chart text)

next y-text (chart text)

next y-ticklines (chart &optional colour dash)

4. Bar Chart

Class: bar-chart


next create-bar-chart (canvas xlabels yaxis num-series &key xlabel-angle)


next config (bar-chart &key show-values value-font value-colour value-format)

next plot (bar-chart series data colour &optional direction brightness)

example Example ("bar-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "bar-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (bar-chart (chart:create-bar-chart canvas                  ; 1
                                          '(2018 2019 2020 2021)
                                          '(0 30 5)
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text bar-chart "Book Reading History")             ; 2
  (chart:x-text bar-chart "Year")
  (chart:v-text bar-chart "Number of Books")

  (chart:config bar-chart :show-values t)                         ; 3
  (chart:plot bar-chart :person-1 '(3 6 9 12) :blue)              ; 4
  (chart:plot bar-chart :person-2 '(10 7 11 15) :red)
  (chart:plot bar-chart :person-3 '(25 18 21 22) :green)

  (chart:legend bar-chart :person-1 "Mary")                       ; 5
  (chart:legend bar-chart :person-2 "Peter")
  (chart:legend bar-chart :person-3 "Shalini"))
1 Creates an instance of the bar chart, with years to label the x-axis and a min-max-step triple to define the y-axis values. It’s important to get the number of series right, for the spacing.
2 These three lines set the title and axis-titles for the plot.
3 Tells the bar chart to display the values above the bars.
4 Add each set of values in turn - the "series" label is for reference only.
5 We only get a legend if we attach a name to the "series" label.
bar chart example
Figure 1. Example of bar chart

5. Box Plot

Class: box-plot


next create-box-plot (canvas xdata ydata &key (orientation :horizontal)


next data-config (box-plot series &key boxwidth whiskers whiskerwidth mediancolour medianwidth)

next plot (box-plot series label values)

example Example ("box-plot-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "box-plot-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400))
       (box-plot (chart:create-box-plot canvas '(0 40 5) '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"))))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:plot box-plot 'data "A" '(0 1 2 5 7 1 4 5 0.6 5 5.5))                   ; 1
  (chart:plot box-plot 'data "C" '(2 2 3 6 1.5 3))
  (chart:plot box-plot 'data "E" '(2 3 3 4 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 14 15 17 17 20 24 29)))
1 Notice how the box-plot function determines its form from a list of numbers.
box plot example
Figure 2. Example of box plot

6. Gantt Chart

Class: gantt-chart


next create-gantt-chart (canvas time-begin time-end &key num-items max-width bar-height ylabel-width)


next colour (gantt-chart keyword newcolour)

next connect (gantt-chart from to)

next draw-vertical-line (gantt-chart text time-point &key color colour)

next font (gantt-chart keyword newfont)

next horizontal-scrollbar (gantt-chart hscroll)

next milestone (gantt-chart text time &optional colour)

next period (gantt-chart text time-begin time-end &optional colour)

next summary (gantt-chart text &rest args)

next task (gantt-chart text time-begin time-end completed)

next vertical-scrollbar (time-chart vscroll)

example Example ("gantt-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "gantt-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (gantt (chart:create-gantt-chart canvas "1 march 2021" "10 april 2021"   ; 1
                                        :num-items 5
                                        :ylabel-width 15))
       (zero (chart:milestone gantt "Vacation Start" "20 march 2021"))          ; 2
       (one (chart:task gantt "ltk" "1 march 2021" "15 march 2021" 70))         ; 3
       (two (chart:task gantt "chart" "15 march 2021" "31 march 2021" 30))
       (three (chart:task gantt "ltk-examples" "7 march 2021" "31 march 2021" 50))
       (four (chart:task gantt "documentation" "15 march 2021" "31 march 2021" 10)))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:connect gantt one two)                                                 ; 4
  (chart:connect gantt three four)
  (chart:draw-vertical-line gantt "1 mar" "1 march 2021")                       ; 5
  (chart:draw-vertical-line gantt "8 mar" "8 march 2021")
  (chart:draw-vertical-line gantt "15 mar" "15 march 2021")
  (chart:draw-vertical-line gantt "22 mar" "22 march 2021")
  (chart:draw-vertical-line gantt "1 apr" "1 april 2021")

  (chart:title-text gantt "Learning LTk"))
1 It is useful to give the chart more space than your tasks, to fit the information.
2 Milestones are set for specific dates.
3 Tasks are set with a start and end date, and a percentage completed.
4 Connect tasks, to show a dependency.
5 Lines are useful to highlight times.
gantt chart example
Figure 3. Example Gantt Chart

7. Histogram

Class: histogram


next create-histogram (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox)


next data-config (histogram series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour style)

next plot (histogram series x-coord y-coord)

next plot-cumulative (histogram series x-coord y-coord)

example Example ("histogram-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "histogram-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (histogram (chart:create-histogram canvas '(0 10 1) '(0 100 5))))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text histogram "Example Histogram")
  (chart:v-text histogram "Cumulative Frequency")
  (chart:x-text histogram "Event")

  (chart:data-config histogram "data"
                     :colour :green
                     :style :filled
                     :fillcolour :green)

  (loop for i from 2 to 10 by 2
    do (chart:plot-cumulative histogram "data" i (random 30))))   ; 1
1 Notice that i defines the right hand edge value of each bar.
histogram example
Figure 4. Example of a histogram

8. Horizontal Bar Chart


next create-horizontal-bar-chart (canvas xaxis ylabels num-series &key xlabel-angle)


next config (horizontal-bar-chart &key show-values value-font value-colour value-format)

next plot (horizontal-bar-chart series data colour &optional direction brightness)

example Example ("horizontal-bar-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "horizontal-bar-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (bar-chart (chart:create-horizontal-bar-chart canvas
                                                     '(0 50 5)
                                                     '(2018 2019 2020 2021)
                                                     :stacked)))            ; 1
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text bar-chart "Book Reading History")
  (chart:x-text bar-chart "Number of Books")
  (chart:v-text bar-chart "Year")

  (chart:plot bar-chart :type-1 '(3 6 9 12) :blue)
  (chart:plot bar-chart :type-2 '(10 7 11 15) :red)
  (chart:plot bar-chart :type-3 '(25 18 21 22) :green)

  (chart:legend-config bar-chart                                            ; 2
                       :position :bottom-right
                       :spacing 12)
  (chart:legend bar-chart :type-1 "Computing")
  (chart:legend bar-chart :type-2 "Fiction")
  (chart:legend bar-chart :type-3 "Technical"))
1 This time, stack the bars.
2 Adjust the position and spacing of items in the legend, for clarity.
horizontal bar chart example
Figure 5. Example of horizontal bar chart

9. Isometric Plot


next create-isometric-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis stepsize)


next draw-circle (isometric-plot xc yc radius &optional colour)

next draw-filled-circle (isometric-plot xc yc radius &optional colour)

next draw-filled-rectangle (isometric-plot x1 y1 x2 y2 &optional colour)

next draw-rectangle (isometric-plot x1 y1 x2 y2 &optional colour)

example Example ("isometric-plot-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "isometric-plot-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (iso-plot (chart:create-isometric-plot canvas '(0.0 100.0) '(0.0 200.0) :noaxes)))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:draw-rectangle iso-plot 10.0 10.0 50.0 50.0 :green)
  (chart:draw-filled-rectangle iso-plot 20.0 20.0 40.0 40.0 :red)
  (chart:draw-filled-circle iso-plot 70.0 70.0 40.0 :yellow)
  (chart:draw-circle iso-plot 70.0 70.0 42.0))
isometric plot example
Figure 6. Example of isometric plot

10. Pie Chart

Class: pie-chart


next create-pie-chart (canvas)


next colours (pie-chart colour-1 colour-2 …​)

next explode (pie-chart segment)

next plot (pie-chart data)

example Example ("pie-chart-example.list"):

(wm-title *tk* "pie-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 500 :height 300 :background :white))
       (pie-chart (chart:create-pie-chart canvas)))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text pie-chart "Books Read per Category")
  (chart:plot pie-chart '(("Computing" 3)                       ; 1
                          ("Fiction" 10)
                          ("Technical" 25)))
  (chart:explode pie-chart 0))                                  ; 2
1 List of (label value) pairs defines the three slices
2 Highlights the first slice
pie chart example
Figure 7. Example of a pie chart

11. Polar Plot

Class: polar-plot


next create-polar-plot (canvas radius-data &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox axesatzero isometric)


next data-config (polar-plot series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour)

next dot-config (polar-plot series &key colour color scale radius scalebyvalue outline classes effect-3d)

next draw-dot (polar-plot series xcrd ycrd value)

next draw-label-dot (polar-plot x y text &optional orientation)

next draw-minmax (polar-plot series xcoord ymin ymax)

next draw-region (polar-plot series xlist ylist)

next plot (polar-plot series x-coord y-coord)

example Example ("polar-plot-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "polar-plot-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 300
                              :background :white))
       (polar-plot (chart:create-polar-plot canvas '(3.0 1.0))))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:data-config polar-plot "line" :colour :blue  ; 1
                     :type :both :symbol :cross)

  (loop for r from 0 to 3.0 by 0.1
        for a from 0 by 24
        do (chart:plot polar-plot "line" r a))

  (chart:draw-label-dot polar-plot 2 60 "Mark"))      ; 2
1 The line drawn on a polar plot can be configured with colour and symbol type
2 Draw a label/dot on the plot
polar plot example
Figure 8. Example of a polar plot

12. Radial Chart

Class: radial-chart


next create-radial-chart (canvas names scale &key (style "lines")


next plot (radial-chart data colour &optional thickness)

example Example ("radial-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "radial-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (radial-chart (chart:create-radial-chart canvas
                                                '("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri") ; 1
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:plot radial-chart '(5 8 4 7 10) :green 2)                               ; 2
  (chart:plot radial-chart '(2 4 1 3 5) :blue 2))
1 Constructor gives labels for the spokes and scale is used for radius.
2 Plot adds a line of data to the chart.
radial chart example
Figure 9. Example of a radial chart

13. Right Axis

Class: right-axis


next create-right-axis (canvas yaxis)


next data-config (right-axis series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour)

next plot (right-axis series x-coord y-coord)

example Example ("right-axis-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "right-axis-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (xy-plot (chart:create-xy-plot canvas '(0 10 1) '(0 100 10)))
       (right-axis (chart:create-right-axis canvas '(0 3.0 0.5))))    ; 1
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:v-text xy-plot "y = x*x")
  (chart:v-text right-axis "y = sqrt(x)")                             ; 2

  (chart:data-config xy-plot "squares" :colour :blue)
  (chart:data-config right-axis "roots"                               ; 3
                     :colour :green
                     :type :both
                     :symbol :upfilled)

  (dotimes (x 10)
    (chart:plot xy-plot "squares" x (* x x))
    (chart:plot right-axis "roots" x (sqrt x))))                      ; 4
1 Right axis is added to an existing plot, but has its own y-axis range.
2 Separate labels can be used for the main plot and the right axis.
3 And values plotted against the right axis can have their own configuration.
4 Use the same plot function to add data to the right-axis plot.
right axis example
Figure 10. Example of right axis

14. Spiral Pie

Class: spiral pie



next colours (spiral-pie colour-1 colour-2 …​)

next plot (spiral-pie data)

example Example ("spiral-pie-example.list"):

(wm-title *tk* "spiral-pie-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 500 :height 300 :background :white))
       (spiral-pie (chart:create-spiral-pie canvas)))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:colours spiral-pie :yellow :blue :red)                 ; 1

  (chart:title-text spiral-pie "Books Read per Category")
  (chart:plot spiral-pie '(("Computing" 3)
                           ("Fiction" 10)
                           ("Technical" 25))))
1 Specify the colours to use, in slice order.
spiral pie chart example
Figure 11. Example of a spiral pie chart

15. Status Timeline


next create-status-timeline (canvas xaxis ylabels &key box axesbox showxaxis)


next draw-vertical-line (chart text time-point &key color colour dash fill width)

next plot (status-timeline series start stop &optional colour)

example Example is a conversion of a tklib example ("plotdemos18.list"):

(wm-title *tk* "plotdemos18.lisp")
(let* ((devices '("e1" "e2" "e12231" "r1" "r2"))
       (canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 600 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (timeline (chart:create-status-timeline canvas '(0 7200 900) devices   ; 1
                                               :showxaxis nil)))
  (pack canvas :side :left :fill :both)

  ; add the randomised data
  (do* ((li 0 i)
        (i (random 10.0) (+ i (random 600.0))))
    ((>= i 7200))
    (dolist (item devices)
      (chart:plot timeline item li i (if (> (random 1.0) 0.5) :red :green)))) ; 2

  ; add labelled vertical lines
  (loop for x from 0 to 7200 by 900
        for text = (format nil "~2,'0Dh:~2,'0D"
                           (floor (/ x 3600))
                           (floor (mod x 60)))
        do (if (zerop (mod x 3600))
             (chart:draw-vertical-line timeline text x :fill :black :width 2) ; 3
             (chart:draw-vertical-line timeline "" x :fill :grey :dash "...")))

  (chart:title-text timeline "Operational over time"))
1 Creates the chart with labelled y-axis, and no x-axis showing
2 Adds a random 'patch' to the plot, in given series
3 Draws a vertical line, using given style
Figure 12. Example of status-timeline

16. Table Chart

The table is used to represent information across several rows in columns.

Class: table-chart


next create-table-chart (canvas columns &key widths)


next cell-configure (table-chart &key background colour color font anchor justify)

next add-row (table-chart items)

next separator (table-chart)

example Example of creating a simple table, with header ("table-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "table-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 600 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (table-chart (chart:create-table-chart
                      '("Year" "Computing" "Fiction" "Technical")
                      :widths 80)))                                 ; 1
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text table-chart "Book Reading History")

  (chart:separator table-chart)                                     ; 2
  (chart:add-row table-chart '("2018" 3 10 25))                     ; 3
  (chart:add-row table-chart '("2019" 6 7 18))
  (chart:add-row table-chart '("2020" 9 11 21))
  (chart:add-row table-chart '("2021" 12 15 22))

  (chart:separator table-chart)
  (chart:cell-configure table-chart :colour :blue                   ; 4
                                    :font "Helvetica 11 bold")
  (chart:add-row table-chart '("Totals" 30 43 86)))
1 The default width is too small, so specifies an equal pixel-width
2 Separates header from rows
3 Add each row of data to table
4 Alter font for last row of table
table example
Figure 13. Example of table chart

17. Ternary Diagram


next create-ternary-diagram (canvas &key box axesbox fractions steps)


next corner-text (ternary-diagram xtext ytext ztext)

next data-config (ternary-diagram series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour smooth)

next draw-filled-polygon (ternary-diagram series coords)

next draw-line (ternary-diagram series coords)

next draw-ticklines (ternary-diagram &optional colour)

next plot (ternary-diagram series xcrd ycrd zcrd text &optional direction)

example Example, translation of tcl "test_ternary.tcl":

(wm-title *tk* "test_ternary.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 500 :height 500))
       (ternary-diagram (chart:create-ternary-diagram canvas)))
  (pack canvas)

  (chart:corner-text ternary-diagram "Component A" "Component B" "Component C") ; 1
  (chart:plot ternary-diagram "data" 50.0 25.0 25.0 "1")                        ; 2
  (chart:plot ternary-diagram "data" 20.0 25.0 55.0 "2" :e)                     ; 3
  (chart:draw-line ternary-diagram "data" '((0.0 80.0 20.0) (10.0 20.0 70.0)))  ; 4

  (chart:data-config ternary-diagram :area :colour :green :smooth t)            ; 5
  (chart:draw-filled-polygon ternary-diagram :area
                             '((0.0 70.0 30.0) (10.0 20.0 70.0) (0.0 0.0 100.0)))
  (chart:plot ternary-diagram "area1" 0.0 70.0 30.0 "")
  (chart:plot ternary-diagram "area1" 10.0 20.0 70.0 "")
  (chart:plot ternary-diagram "area1" 0.0 0.0 100.0 "")

  (chart:draw-ticklines ternary-diagram :grey))                                 ; 6
1 Labels the three corners of the diagram
2 Places a labelled 'dot' at given coordinates
3 Optional direction arranges label relative to the dot
4 Lines defined as points, each point a triple of values
5 Set some drawing properties
6 Adding ticklines results in a triangular grid over the diagram
ternary example
Figure 14. Example of a ternary diagram

18. 3D Bar Chart


next create-3d-bar-chart (canvas yaxis &key (num-bars 1))


next config (threed-bar-chart &key show-values value-font value-colour use-background use-ticklines label-font label-colour)

next plot (threed-bar-chart label yvalue colour)

example Example ("threed-bar-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "threed-bar-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400
                              :background :white))
       (bar-3d (chart:create-3d-bar-chart canvas '(0 60 5) :num-bars 7)))

  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text bar-3d "Number of Moons per Planet")

  (chart:config bar-3d :label-font "Times 8" :use-background t)   ; 1

  (chart:plot bar-3d "Earth" 1 :blue)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Mars" 2 :red)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Jupiter" 53 :orange)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Saturn" 53 :yellow)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Uranus" 27 :green)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Neptune" 13 :cyan)
  (chart:plot bar-3d "Pluto" 5 :grey))
1 Set some properties of the display.
threed bar chart example
Figure 15. Example of a 3D bar chart

19. 3D Plot

Class: threed-plot


next create-3d-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis zaxis &key xlabels)


next colour (threed-plot fill border)

next gridsize (threed-plot nxcells nycells)

next interpolate-data (threed-plot data contours)

next plot-data (threed-plot data)

next ribbon (threed-plot yzpairs)

Draws a ribbon rather like shown in the 3D Ribbon Plot example.

example Example taken from "plotdemos1.lisp":

(labels ((square (n) (* n n))
         (cowboyhat (x y)
                    (let ((x1 (/ x 9.0))
                          (y1 (/ y 9.0)))
                      (* 3.0
                         (- 1.0 (+ (square x1) (square y1)))
                         (- 1.0 (+ (square x1) (square y1)))))))
  (let ((s (chart:create-3d-plot c '(0 10 3) '(-10 10 10) '(0 10 2.5))))  ; 1
    (chart:title-text s "3D Plot")
    (chart:plot-data s (mapcar #'(lambda (r)                              ; 2
                                   (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
                                               (cowboyhat r c))
                                           '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
                               '(-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10)))))

(let ((s (chart:create-3d-plot c2 '(0 10 3) '(-10 10 10) '(0 10 2.5)
                               :xlabels '(A B C))))
  (chart:title-text s "3D Plot - data")
  (chart:colour s :green :black)
  (chart:plot-data s '((1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0) (1.1 3.0 1.1 -0.5) (3.0 1.0 4.0 5.0))))

(let ((s (chart:create-3d-plot c3 '(0 10 3) '(-10 10 10) '(0 10 2.5))))
  (chart:title-text s "3D Plot - data")
  (chart:colour s :green :black)
  (chart:interpolate-data s                                               ; 3
                          '((1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0) (1.1 3.0 1.1 -0.5) (3.0 1.0 4.0 5.0))
                          '(0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0)))
1 Creates a 3D plot with given axes
2 Uses a function to create an 11x11 array of values
3 Interpolate colours the data, according to the given contours
threed plot example
Figure 16. Example of 3D plots

20. 3D Ribbon Plot


next create-3d-ribbon-plot (canvas yaxis zaxis)


next plot (threed-ribbon-plot yzpairs)

example Example taken from "plotdemos15.lisp" - not complete code:

(defparameter *yscale* '(0 40 5))          ;# Y axis is miles along route
(defparameter *zscale* '(900 1300 100))    ;# Z axis is altitude
; Each duple is distance along route (Y) and its altitude (Z)
(defparameter *YZ* '(
    ( 0    971) ( 0.2  977) ( 0.3  981) ( 0.8 1010) ( 1.0 1022) ( 1.6 1060)
  ; SNIP 32 LINES!

(let* ((c2 (make-instance 'canvas :width 800 :height 400
                          :background "#aaeeff"))
       (s2 (chart:create-3d-ribbon-plot c2 *yscale* *zscale*))) ; 1
  (configure c2 :border 0 :highlightthickness 0)
  (pack c2 :side :top :fill :both :expand t)
  (chart:plot s2 *YZ*))                                         ; 2
1 Creates the ribbon-plot using axis definitions for y and z
2 Draws the ribbon, using values for y-z pairs
threed ribbon plot example
Figure 17. Example of 3D ribbon plot

21. Time Chart

Class: time-chart


next create-time-chart (canvas time-begin time-end &key num-items bar-height ylabel-width)


next add-milestone (time-chart time-point &optional colour)

next add-period (time-chart time-begin time-end &optional colour)

next draw-vertical-line (time-chart text time-point &key color colour

next horizontal-scrollbar (time-chart hscroll)

next milestone (time-chart text time &optional colour)

next period (time-chart text time-begin time-end &optional colour)

next vertical-scrollbar (time-chart vscroll)

example Example taken from tcl "plotdemos7.tcl" ("time-chart-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "time-chart-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 550 :height 300
                              :background :white))
       (time-chart (chart:create-time-chart canvas
                                            "1 january 2004" "31 december 2004" ; 1
                                            :num-items 4)))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text time-chart "Seasons (northern hemisphere)")

  (chart:period time-chart "Spring" "1 march 2004" "1 june 2004" :green)        ; 2
  (chart:period time-chart "Summer" "1 june 2004" "1 september 2004" :yellow)
  (chart:add-period time-chart "21 september 2004" "21 october 2004" :blue)     ; 3
  (chart:draw-vertical-line time-chart "1 jan" "1 january 2004")                ; 4
  (chart:draw-vertical-line time-chart "1 apr" "1 april 2004" :colour :lime)
  (chart:draw-vertical-line time-chart "1 jul" "1 july 2004")
  (chart:draw-vertical-line time-chart "1 oct" "1 october 2004")
  (chart:milestone time-chart "Longest day" "21 july 2004")                     ; 5
  (chart:add-milestone time-chart "21 december 2004"))                          ; 6
1 Start/end times must be in appropriate format.
2 A "period" is denoted as a filled rectangle, with given start/end times, and each period is on a new line with given label.
3 Periods are added on to the previous period.
4 Vertical lines are drawn using a time coordinate for the horizontal position.
5 Milestones, like periods, are each put on a new line with given label.
6 Adding a milestone adds it to the line of the previous milestone.
time chart example
Figure 18. Example of time chart

22. TX Plot

Class: tx-plot


next create-tx-plot (canvas timeaxis xaxis &key box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)


next data-config (xy-plot series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour)

next draw-interval (tx-plot series time-coord xmin xmax &optional xcenter)

next plot (tx-plot series time-coord x-coord)

example Example ("tx-plot-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "tx-plot-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 500 :height 200 :background :white))
       (tx-plot (chart:create-tx-plot canvas
                                      '("2001-01-01" "2015-01-01" 1461)   ; 1
                                      '(-10.0 20.0 10.0))))
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:data-config tx-plot "min" :colour 'red)                          ; 2
  (chart:data-config tx-plot "max" :colour 'blue)

  (chart:x-text tx-plot "Time")
  (chart:v-text tx-plot "Temperature")

  (chart:legend-config tx-plot :position :bottom-right)
  (chart:legend tx-plot "min" "Minimum Temperature")
  (chart:legend tx-plot "max" "Maximum Temperature")

  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2001-01-01" -3.0)                            ; 3
  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2004-01-01" 4.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2007-01-01" 2.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2010-01-01" -1.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2013-01-01" 2.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "min" "2014-01-01" 5.0)

  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2001-01-01" 10.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2004-01-01" 12.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2007-01-01" 8.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2010-01-01" 6.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2013-01-01" 15.0)
  (chart:plot tx-plot "max" "2014-01-01" 18.0))
1 For tx-plot, the (min max step) are two dates and a time period
2 Uses the generic functions to set up properties of the chart
3 And the plot command takes a date as its first coordinate.
tx plot example
Figure 19. Example of TX plot

23. XY Plot

There are five related classes:

  • xy-plot is the parent chart type

  • there are three variants, depending on whether the axis value uses log

  • strip-chart is a variant where the x-axis will grow if new points exceed the current bounds.


next create-xy-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)

next create-logx-y-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)

next create-x-logy-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)

next create-logx-logy-plot (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)

next create-strip-chart (canvas xaxis yaxis &key xlabels ylabels box axesbox timeformat gmt axesatzero isometric)


next data-config (xy-plot series &key colour color type symbol radius width filled fillcolour)

next dot-config (xy-plot series &key colour color scale radius scalebyvalue outline classes effect-3d)

next draw-box-and-whiskers (xy-plot series xcrd ycrd)

next draw-contour-fill (xy-plot xcrds ycrds values &optional classes)

next draw-contour-lines (xy-plot xcrds ycrds values &optional classes)

next draw-contour-lines-function-values (xy-plot xvec yvec valuesmat &optional classes)

next draw-dot (xy-plot series xcrd ycrd value)

next draw-grid (xy-plot xcrds ycrds)

next draw-interval (xy-plot series xcoord ymin ymax &optional ycenter)

next draw-label-dot (xy-plot x y text &optional orientation)

next draw-minmax (xy-plot series xcoord ymin ymax)

next draw-region (xy-plot series xlist ylist)

next draw-trendline (xy-plot series xcoord ycoord))

next draw-vector (xy-plot series xcrd ycrd ucmp vcmp)

next legend-isometric-lines (xy-plot values classes)

next legend-shades (xy-plot values classes)

next plot (xy-plot series x-coord y-coord)

next plot-list (xy-plot series xlist ylist &optional every)

next rchart (xy-plot series xcoord ycoord)

next vector-config (xy-plot series &key colour color scale centred type)

example An example plot:

(wm-title *tk* "xy-plot-example-1.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 400 :height 400 :background :white))
       (xy (chart:create-xy-plot canvas '(-10 10 2) '(-100 100 20))))   ; 1
  (grid canvas 0 0)

  (chart:title-text xy "Two Functions")                                 ; 2
  (chart:x-text xy "Input x")
  (chart:v-text xy "Output y")

  (chart:data-config xy "square" :colour 'blue)                         ; 3
  (chart:data-config xy "cube" :colour 'green)

  (chart:legend-config xy :position 'bottom-right)                      ; 4
  (chart:legend xy "square" "x*x")
  (chart:legend xy "cube" "x*x*x")

  (dotimes (n 20)
    (let ((i (- n 10)))
      (chart:plot xy "square" i (* i i))                                ; 5
      (chart:plot xy "cube" i (* i i i))))

  (chart:balloon xy 0 0 "crossover point" :north-west)                  ; 6
  (chart:plaintext-config xy :text-colour :red)                         ; 7
  (chart:plaintext xy 6 80 "diverging" :north-west)                     ; 8
  (chart:save-plot xy "xy-plot.ps"))                                    ; 9
1 Create an xy-plot with x-axis [-10,10] and y-axis [-100,100]
2 Use general functions to label the title and axes
3 data-config is used to set properties for the two lines
4 Set up the legend, to appropriately label each line
5 Plot a given (x, y) item
6 Add some text, pointing to location of the chart
7 Change colour for plaintext
8 …​ and display some text at given location
9 Save the plot to a postscript file
xy plot example 1
Figure 20. Example xy plot

example Example of plotting using rchart - taken from "plotdemos6.lisp":

(let* ((rchart (make-toplevel *tk*))
       (canvas (make-instance 'canvas :master rchart
                              :background :white :width 400 :height 200))
       (s (chart:create-xy-plot canvas '(0 100.0 10.0) '(0.0 50.0 10.0))))
  (pack canvas :fill :both :side :top)

  (wm-title rchart "plotdemos6.lisp - rchart")
  (chart:title-text s "R-chart (arbitrary data)")

  (chart:data-config s "series1" :colour :green)
  (loop for x from 1.0 to 50.0 by 3.0
        for y = (+ 20.0 (random 3.0))
        do (chart:rchart s "series1" x y))

  ; now some data outside the expected range
  (chart:rchart s "series1" 50.0 41.0)
  (chart:rchart s "series1" 52.0 42.0)
  (chart:rchart s "series1" 54.0 39.0)

  ; and continue with the well-behaved series
  (loop for x from 57.0 to 100.0 by 3.0
        for y = (+ 20.0 (random 3.0))
        do (chart:rchart s "series1" x y)))
rchart example
Figure 21. Example xy plot using rchart

example Example of a contour plot - taken from "plotdemos5.lisp":

(defparameter *x* '((0.0 100.0 200.0) (0.0 100.0 200.0) (0.0 100.0 200.0) (0.0 100.0 200.0)))
(defparameter *y* '((0.0   0.0   0.0) (30.0  30.0  30.0) (60.0  60.0  60.0) (90.0  90.0  90.0)))
(defparameter *f* '((0.0   1.0  10.0) ( 0.0  30.0  30.0) (10.0  60.0  60.0) (30.0  90.0  90.0)))
(defparameter *contours* '(0.0
(defparameter *xlimits* '(0 200 50))
(defparameter *ylimits* '(0 100 20))
(with-ltk ()
(let* ((toplevel (make-toplevel *tk*))
       (c (make-instance 'canvas :master toplevel
                         :background :white :width 500 :height 500))
       (chart (chart:create-xy-plot c *xlimits* *ylimits*)))
  (wm-title toplevel "Contour Demo : contourlines (default colourmap)")
  (pack c :fill :both :side :top)

  (chart:draw-contour-fill chart *x* *y* *f* *contours*)    ; 1
  (chart:draw-grid chart *x* *y*))
1 *x* *y* *f* define the (x, y) point and its value. *contours* defines the boundaries between the colours.
contour plot example
Figure 22. Example contour plot

24. Windrose

Displays data in a circular fashion, at distances from the centre. Typically used in meteorology to display wind strength and direction.

Warning Plotted data are not showing, from LTk or directly from Tk, so there may be an error in plotchart.

Class: windrose


next create-windrose (canvas radius-data &key (num-sectors 16))


next plot (windrose data colour)

example Example ("windrose-example.lisp"):

(wm-title *tk* "windrose-example.lisp")
(let* ((canvas (make-instance 'canvas :width 500 :height 300 :background :white))
       (windrose (chart:create-windrose canvas '(50 10) :num-sectors 5)))
 (grid canvas 0 0)

 (chart:plot windrose '(10 20 30 25 15) :green))
windrose example
Figure 23. Example of windrose

25. Miscellaneous

next colour-map (colours)

next plot-config (charttype component property value)

next plot-erase (plotchart)

next plot-pack (canvas direction &rest charts)