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Peter Lane :: Lisp Notes




Many libraries are listed on common-lisp.net and/or available through quicklisp.

Libraries are based around:

I often use the following:

Projects of my Own

Project Description
baruch Writes Common Lisp documentation in asciidoc format.
CHREST-AVOW Customised implementation of CHREST for working with AVOW diagrams.
confusion-matrix Library to construct a confusion matrix and retrieve statistical information from it.
GEMS Evolve A genetic programming library, experiment setup and analysis tools for GEMS project.
LTk examples tkdocs tutorial examples for LTk.
LTk Plotchart A wrapper around tklib’s plotchart library to work with LTk / nodgui.
mini-CHREST MiniCHREST and Perceptron code.
range-object An implementation of range objects in Common Lisp.

Smaller puzzles:

Also on Bitbucket are:

Why Lisp?

There are all kinds of arguments for why Lisp is a great language to use. Many of these go over my head, as I'm more of a hobbyist and use Lisp "like any other language". It offers a nice mix of procedural, functional, and object-oriented features. Macros? Yes, in small doses. Live images? Not so much. Reader macros? ?

I also like that the language does not change - it's not dead, implementations and libraries are updated continuously, but there are no new language features to keep up with.

If you need some technical arguments, see where Lisp sits between C/Rust/Go and your friend's favourite dynamic language in Table 4 of the paper: Ranking programming languages by energy efficiency.