Chart provides a library of simple chart functions. The code can be embedded into an existing project by including the chart.h and chart.c files. chart.h contains a description of available functions.

Screenshot of Chart example running on a Firebee

Above is a screenshot of the Chart example running under MINT+XaAES on a Firebee.

Screenshot of Chart example running in high resolution on an Atari ST

Above is a screenshot of the Chart example running in high resolution on an Atari ST.

Three types of chart are supported:

  1. Bar Charts: A set of positive values is converted into a series of vertical bars. The title, x/y labels, colours and fill patterns of bars may be altered.

  2. Line Charts: A set of lines added to a line chart. The title, x/y labels, and colour, line style and point style may all be altered.

  3. Pie Charts: A set of positive values is converted into slices of a pie chart. The title, slice labels, colours and fill patterns may be altered.
