2022-05-24: Calling JVM Code from Scheme

Examples of how three implementations of Scheme work with the JVM. I look at:

With examples:



Created by Peter Norvig for Java 1.1 (see http://norvig.com/jscheme.html), and taken over by Ken Anderson and Tim Hickey in 1998. The last released version, 7.2, was modified around 2002.

JScheme implements R4RS, except that:

Hello World

Using System.out means getting hold of the static object out, and then calling the println method on it:

(.println System.out$ "Hello")

Calling a static method is direct:

(display (Math.sqrt 10.0))

Note that JScheme knows about the java.lang namespace.

Data Analysis

The full file "csv-jscheme.scm" is:

;; Reading CSV files from JScheme

(import "java.io.*")                                                        ; <1>
(import "org.apache.commons.csv.*")
(import "org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.*")

;; converts a CSV record to a list, with the first four entries
;; converted to real numbers
;; returns empty list if invalid
(define (csvrecord->list record)                                            ; <2>
  (if (= (.size record) 5)
      (let ((sepal-length (string->number (.get record 0)))
            (sepal-width (string->number (.get record 1)))
            (petal-length (string->number (.get record 2)))
            (petal-width (string->number (.get record 3))))
        (if (and (number? sepal-length)
                 (number? sepal-width)
                 (number? petal-length)
                 (number? petal-width))
            (list sepal-length sepal-width
                  petal-length petal-width
                  (.get record 4))
            ())) ; return empty list if first four entries are not numbers
      ())) ; return empty list if record is not of correct size

;; reads CSV data for Iris dataset from file, and converts to list of lists
(define (read-data filename)
  (tryCatch                                                                 ; <3>
    (let* ((input-reader (BufferedReader. (FileReader. filename)))          ; <4>
           (records (.iterator (.parse CSVFormat.RFC4180$ input-reader))))  ; <5>
      (let loop ((result '()))
        (if (.hasNext records)
            (let ((item (csvrecord->list (.next records))))                 ; <6>
              (loop (if (null? item) ; ignore empty list
                        (cons item result))))
            (reverse result))))
    (lambda (exn)                                                           ; <7>
      (display "Error: in reading data from ") (display filename) (newline)
      (System.exit -1))))

;; return an instance of DescriptiveStatistics filled with values using
;; given accessor function on the dataset
(define (statistics dataset accessor-fn)
  (let ((ds (DescriptiveStatistics.)))
    (for-each (lambda (instance)
                (.addValue ds (accessor-fn instance)))

;; given an attribute name and DescriptiveStatistics instance, 
;; display some interesting information
(define (display-statistics name ds)
  (display name) (newline)
  (display "-- minimum: ") (display (.getMin ds)) (newline)
  (display "-- maximum: ") (display (.getMax ds)) (newline)
  (display "-- mean:    ") (display (.getMean ds)) (newline)
  (display "-- stddev:  ") (display (.getStandardDeviation ds)) (newline))

(define dataset (read-data "iris.data"))

(display "Size of dataset: ") (display (length dataset)) (newline)
(display-statistics "Sepal length" (statistics dataset car))
(display-statistics "Sepal width" (statistics dataset cadr))
(display-statistics "Petal length" (statistics dataset caddr))
(display-statistics "Petal width" (statistics dataset cadddr))
  1. Imports the java libraries.
  2. csvrecord->list follows very closely to the Java version, except we do not have exceptions, and use () as an error value.
  3. tryCatch runs an expression, catching any exceptions.
  4. Opens a buffered reader, using very natural syntax.
  5. Gets at the csv-records, using an iterator.
  6. Use .next, the Java iterator in action.
  7. Handles any exception.

Calling and result are as expected, not forgetting to include all the jar file libraries:

> java -cp "commons-csv-1.9.0.jar;commons-math3-3.6.1.jar;jscheme-7.2.jar" jscheme.REPL .\csv-jscheme.scm
Size of dataset: 150
Sepal length
-- minimum: 4.3
-- maximum: 7.9
-- mean:    5.843333333333334
-- stddev:  0.8280661279778628
Sepal width
-- minimum: 2.0
-- maximum: 4.4
-- mean:    3.054
-- stddev:  0.43359431136217386
Petal length
-- minimum: 1.0
-- maximum: 6.9
-- mean:    3.758666666666666
-- stddev:  1.7644204199522626
Petal width
-- minimum: 0.1
-- maximum: 2.5
-- mean:    1.1986666666666665
-- stddev:  0.763160741700841

NOTE: The last step, creating a Clusterable object, is not possible purely in JScheme. A separate Java class would have to be created, compiled, and included separately.


Implemented by Scott Miller and Matthias Radestock, over the period 2002 - 2007.

SISC implements R5RS.

Hello World

Java classes and methods must be "acknowledged" by the Scheme side.

(import s2j)                                                          ; <1>

(define-java-class <java.lang.System>)                                ; <2>
(define println (generic-java-method '|println|))                     ; <3>
(define getout (generic-java-field-accessor '|out|))                  ; <4>
(println (getout (java-null <java.lang.System>)) (->jstring "hello")) ; <5>
  1. The scheme-java bridge library.
  2. Pick out the java.lang.System class.
  3. Identify println as a generic method.
  4. And out as a field accessor.
  5. Finally, call println. Notice a null instance of java.lang.System is needed for getout, and the string must be converted into a Java string.

Similarly, to access sqrt:

(define-java-class <java.lang.Math>)
(define msqrt (generic-java-method '|sqrt|))
(msqrt (java-null <java.lang.Math>) (->jdouble 10.0))

Data Analysis

;; CSV file reading and analysis using SISC

(import s2j)                                                                    ; <1>

(define-java-class <buffered-reader> |java.io.BufferedReader|)                  ; <2>
(define-java-class <file-reader> |java.io.FileReader|)
(define-java-class <jl-system> |java.lang.System|)
(define-java-class <csv-format> |org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat|)
(define-java-class <descriptive-statistics> |org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics|)
(define get (generic-java-method '|get|))
(define add-value (generic-java-method '|addValue|))
(define get-min (generic-java-method '|getMin|))
(define get-max (generic-java-method '|getMax|))
(define get-mean (generic-java-method '|getMean|))
(define get-standard-deviation (generic-java-method '|getStandardDeviation|))
(define exit (generic-java-method '|exit|))
(define iterator (generic-java-method '|iterator|))
(define has-next (generic-java-method '|hasNext|))
(define next (generic-java-method '|next|))
(define parse (generic-java-method '|parse|))
(define size (generic-java-method '|size|))
(define getrfc (generic-java-field-accessor '|RFC4180|))

;; converts a CSV record to a list, with the first four entries
;; converted to real numbers
;; returns empty list if invalid
(define (csvrecord->list record)
  (if (= (->number (size record)) 5)                                            ; <3>
      (let ((sepal-length (string->number (->string (get record (->jint 0)))))  ; <4>
            (sepal-width (string->number (->string (get record (->jint 1)))))
            (petal-length (string->number (->string (get record (->jint 2)))))
            (petal-width (string->number (->string (get record (->jint 3))))))
        (if (and (number? sepal-length)
                 (number? sepal-width)
                 (number? petal-length)
                 (number? petal-width))
            (list sepal-length sepal-width
                  petal-length petal-width
                  (->string (get record (->jint 4))))
            ())) ; return empty list if first four entries are not numbers
      ())) ; return empty list if record is not of correct size

;; reads CSV data for Iris dataset from file, and converts to list of lists
(define (read-data filename)
  (with-failure-continuation                                                    ; <5>
    (lambda (m e)
      (display "Error: in reading data from ") (display filename) (newline)
      (exit (java-null <jl-system>) (->jint -1)))
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((input-reader (java-new <buffered-reader> (java-new <file-reader> (->jstring filename))))
             (records (iterator (parse (getrfc (java-null <csv-format>)) input-reader))))
        (let loop ((result '()))
          (if (->boolean (has-next records))
              (let ((item (csvrecord->list (next records))))
                (loop (if (null? item) ; ignore empty list
                          (cons item result))))
              (reverse result)))))))

;; return an instance of DescriptiveStatistics filled with values using
;; given accessor function on the dataset
 (define (statistics dataset accessor-fn)
   (let ((ds (java-new <descriptive-statistics>)))
     (for-each (lambda (instance)
                 (add-value ds (->jdouble (accessor-fn instance))))

;; given an attribute name and DescriptiveStatistics instance, 
;; display some interesting information
 (define (display-statistics name ds)
   (display name) (newline)
   (display "-- minimum: ") (display (->number (get-min ds))) (newline)
   (display "-- maximum: ") (display (->number (get-max ds))) (newline)
   (display "-- mean:    ") (display (->number (get-mean ds))) (newline)
   (display "-- stddev:  ") (display (->number (get-standard-deviation ds))) (newline))

(define dataset (read-data "iris.data"))

(display "Size of dataset: ") (display (length dataset)) (newline)

(display-statistics "Sepal length" (statistics dataset car))
(display-statistics "Sepal width" (statistics dataset cadr))
(display-statistics "Petal length" (statistics dataset caddr))
(display-statistics "Petal width" (statistics dataset cadddr))
  1. A Scheme-to-Java bridge library.
  2. Every Java class and method must be "acknowledged" on the Scheme side: this does have the advantage of providing them with Scheme-natural names.
  3. Each type needs to be converted, e.g. primitives are different in Scheme and Java.
  4. ... strings too.
  5. Error handling - catches any Java exceptions.

TODO: So far, I could not complete the cluster part of the implementation due to an error I could not resolve.


Created and continuously developed and maintained for over 25 years by Per Bothner. Implements several related languages/features, but importantly covers R7RS-small. Last version 3.1.1. Only restriction is that:

Hello World

The structure here is: class-name + static member + method

(java.lang.System:out:println "Hello from Kawa")

So, for example, using sqrt from the Math class would be:

(display (java.lang.Math:sqrt 10.0))

Kawa needs the full namespace, although names can be aliased:

(define-alias jlMath java.lang.Math)
(display (jlMath:sqrt 10.0))

Data Analysis

The full file "csv-kawa.scm" is:

;; CSV file reading and analysis using Kawa scheme

(import (class java.io                                                    ; <1>
               BufferedReader FileReader)
        (class org.apache.commons.csv 
        (class org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive
        (class org.apache.commons.math3.ml.clustering
               Clusterable KMeansPlusPlusClusterer))

(define-simple-class IrisInstance (Clusterable)                           ; <2>
                     ((getPoint)                                          ; <3>

;; converts a CSV record to a IrisInstance instance, with the first four fields
;; converted to real numbers
;; returns empty list if invalid
(define (csvrecord->iris-instance record)                                 ; <4>
  (if (= (record:size) 5)
      (let ((sepal-length (string->number (record:get 0)))
            (sepal-width (string->number (record:get 1)))
            (petal-length (string->number (record:get 2)))
            (petal-width (string->number (record:get 3))))
        (if (and (number? sepal-length)
                 (number? sepal-width)
                 (number? petal-length)
                 (number? petal-width))
            (make IrisInstance                                            ; <5>
                  sepal-length: sepal-length
                  sepal-width: sepal-width
                  petal-length: petal-length 
                  petal-width: petal-width
                  label: (record:get 4)
                  point: (double[] sepal-length sepal-width petal-length petal-width))
            ())) ; return empty list if first four entries are not numbers
      ())) ; return empty list if record is not of correct size

;; reads CSV data for Iris dataset from file, and converts to list of IrisInstance
(define (read-data filename)
  (with-exception-handler                                                 ; <6>
    (lambda (exn)                                                         ; <7>
      (display "Error: in reading data from ") (display filename) (newline)
      (display exn)
      (java.lang.System:exit -1))
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((input-reader (BufferedReader (FileReader filename)))        ; <8>
             (records ((CSVFormat:RFC4180:parse input-reader):iterator))) ; <9>
        (let loop ((result '()))
          (if (records:hasNext)
              (let ((item (csvrecord->iris-instance (records:next))))     ; <10>
                (loop (if (null? item) ; ignore empty list
                          (cons item result))))
              (reverse result)))))))

;; return an instance of DescriptiveStatistics filled with values using
;; given accessor function on the dataset
(define (statistics dataset accessor-fn)
  (let ((ds (DescriptiveStatistics)))
    (for-each (lambda (instance)
                (ds:addValue (accessor-fn instance)))

;; given an attribute name and DescriptiveStatistics instance, 
;; display some interesting information
(define (display-statistics name ds)
  (display name) (newline)
  (display "-- minimum: ") (display (ds:getMin)) (newline)
  (display "-- maximum: ") (display (ds:getMax)) (newline)
  (display "-- mean:    ") (display (ds:getMean)) (newline)
  (display "-- stddev:  ") (display (ds:getStandardDeviation)) (newline))

(define dataset (read-data "iris.data"))

(display "Size of dataset: ") (display (length dataset)) (newline)

(display-statistics "Sepal length" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:sepal-length)))  ; <11>
(display-statistics "Sepal width" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:sepal-width)))
(display-statistics "Petal length" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:petal-length)))
(display-statistics "Petal width" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:petal-width)))

(let* ((model (KMeansPlusPlusClusterer 3))
       (clusters (model:cluster dataset))                                 ; <12>
       (iterator (clusters:iterator)))
  (let loop ()
    (if (iterator:hasNext)
        (let ((cluster (iterator:next)))
          (display "Cluster: ") (display ((cluster:getCenter):getPoint)) (newline)
          (display "Cluster has: ") (display ((cluster:getPoints):size)) (display " points") (newline)
  1. Imports the java libraries.
  2. The IrisInstance class implements the Clusterable interface, required by the library.
  3. The interface requires a getPoint method, which returns a double[]
  4. csvrecord->list follows very closely to the Java version, except we do not have exceptions, and use () as an error value.
  5. Making an instance of IrisInstance requires passing in values for all the fields, including the double[] for the point.
  6. with-exception-handler runs an expression, catching any exceptions.
  7. Handles any exception.
  8. Opens a buffered reader around a file reader.
  9. Gets at the csv-records, using an iterator.
  10. Use :next, the Java iterator in action.
  11. The accessor function for the dataset is a field lookup.
  12. Instances of the class can be passed to the clustering algorithm.

The code is run as follows, including the libraries. Notice the --no-warn-unknown-member flag - this makes Kawa output a bit quieter.

> java -cp "kawa.jar;commons-csv-1.9.0.jar;commons-math3-3.6.1.jar" kawa.repl --no-warn-unknown-member .\csv-kawa.scm
Size of dataset: 150
Sepal length
-- minimum: 4.3
-- maximum: 7.9
-- mean:    5.843333333333334
-- stddev:  0.8280661279778628
Sepal width
-- minimum: 2.0
-- maximum: 4.4
-- mean:    3.054
-- stddev:  0.43359431136217386
Petal length
-- minimum: 1.0
-- maximum: 6.9
-- mean:    3.758666666666666
-- stddev:  1.7644204199522626
Petal width
-- minimum: 0.1
-- maximum: 2.5
-- mean:    1.1986666666666665
-- stddev:  0.763160741700841
Cluster: [5.005999999999999 3.4180000000000006 1.464 0.2439999999999999]
Cluster has: 50 points
Cluster: [6.853846153846153 3.0769230769230766 5.715384615384615
Cluster has: 39 points
Cluster: [5.88360655737705 2.740983606557377 4.388524590163935
Cluster has: 61 points

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