Selected Graphics Libraries

Icon comes with a large number of graphics procedures in its ipl. Unlike vidgets, these directly draw onto a given window and so do not need to be added using VInsert. Also, they do not respond to events.

Bar Charts

A bar chart represents data using columns. The barchart implementation here allows for drawing bars in different directions, with various scalings (including logarithmic), and can be updated dynamically to increase the number or value of bars.

The following example is taken from the barchart documentation.

link vidgets
link barchart

procedure main()
  win := Window("label=BarChart", "size=500,300")
  root := Vroot_frame(win)

  # create the barchart
  # position is 10, 190
  # next bar is 10 pixels to right, 0 pixels up
  # direction is -5, i.e. growing to smaller 7 values
  # maximum number of bars is 21
  # maximum length is 180
  # width of a bar is 8
  bc := barchart(win, 10, 190, 10, 0, -5, 21, 180, 8)

  # create a list of random scores
  scores := []
  every 1 to 100 do put(scores, ?100)

  # add them to the barchart
  b := list(21, 0)  # histogram bins
  every n := !scores do {
      i := n / 5   # bin (and bar) number
      b[i] +:= 1   # increment bin count
      setbar(bc, i, b[i])  # update display


Page from Peter's Scrapbook, output from a VimWiki on 2024-01-21.